The Road Home: Wild Women, Wild Voices
The Road Home: Wild Women, Wild Voices
Getting out of your head, and stepping into your life through journal writing
“I'm not quite sure what freedom is, but i know damn well what it ain't. How have we gotten so silly, i wonder.” -Assata Shakur
Thursdays Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1, 8
This offering is only available for purchase as a series, not individual dates.
7-8:30pm EST
We will gather online. A link will be sent to you after purchase.
Dr. Aleja Parsons, Clinical Psychologist & Spoke Facilitator
Attendees can select a price that fits best for them: $250, $300, $350
I had visions of myself being free—smiling ugly in pictures, eating what I want and liking myself, saying what I want and not feeling regret. I envied the people who didn’t give a fuck. I had visions of myself playing, jumping in puddles, dancing late into the night, being tickled, asking for what I want in sex, saying no to unrealistic deadlines. I had visions of myself quitting the journey to being right and good, to choose the journey to feel free.
What stops me from realizing this vision? What stops you?
This 5 week Spoke Circle series uses guided journal writing to support you in getting in touch with the wildness within you, helping you reconnect to the memories and parts of yourself that this world has encouraged you to forget, and rejecting the shoulds. Through a guided process of personal reflection and group processing, influenced by the book “Wild Women, Wild Voices,” you will begin to find your way back home, reducing second guessing to building clarity on what is right for you and giving you the courage to live in line with your deepest pleasures and truest desires.
Our process:
Over the 5 weeks we will get cozy together and gather online to explore the ways we lost our way and found our way throughout our lives and the various roles we've played.
Week 1: Wild Child
Week 2: Family
Week 3: Love and Lovers
Week 4: Traveler- Light & Shadow
Week 5: Creator & Dreamer